Monday, 21 October 2013

Day 10: Monday

Brazing the rear triangle

When I came back to my chainstays this morning and set everything up in the jig, they somehow turned out to need quite a bit of work to get them to line up correctly at the bottom bracket and dropouts.  That took most of the morning with a lot of adjusting and comparing, but eventually they were ready to be tacked at the bottom bracket.

The dropouts were next, brazed into their slots and then the ends of the chainstays filled with braze. You can see that that the seatstays line up beautifully:

When that was complete I took the frame out of the jig and we tested it for straightness.  I guess it could have been worse - but the amount of brazing I've done and my somewhat inexpert approach to it meant that it did need a few tweaks outside in a truing stand against a skip to get the front triangle into alignment - first the seat tube and the headtube, in relation to the bottom bracket.

After that it was back into the workshop to braze on the chainstays at the bottom bracket:

That's how it looks while you're brazing it,  in full colour it looked like this:

Once those were brazed in position it was time to set up the alignment, using among other things a pair of dropout alignment tools (and also a large plank of wood!):

We also checked that the dropouts were wide enough apart, were in line when a wheel was inserted and didn't have any offset.

I finished the day off with a little more filing of the chainstay brazes.

Just the seatstays and brazeons to do tomorrow and it'll be complete.  Yay!

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